Be More Anime

You know what the biggest draw to anime is for me? No not that… well maybe… but it’s also the characters and their drive to be stronger. In no other type of animated media is the focus on improving oneself more prevalent than in Anime.

What does that mean?

It means that some of the best models for self-determination can be found in anime and that is AWESOME! It also means that maybe we should take a closer look and try to be more anime. No no, put that hair gel down… that is really not what I meant.

I want to be the VERY BEST!

Whether it’s Ash Ketchum, Goku or Deku, all of these characters have one thing in common, DRIVE. The drive to fight, the drive to win, the drive to get up over, and over AND over again. They don’t always win, in fact they lose, A LOT, but that doesn’t stop them from striving, training, getting up time after time. My favourite example of drive is Ippo Makunouchi from ‘Fighting Spirit’ (Hajime no Ippo). This young man went from bullied high school student to boxing champion. Quite the transformation, but it was all because of his drive, and other things that I’ll get to later. The aim to be the better version of himself is a beautiful thing to see and learn from.

No Shortcuts

Another thing many of our favourite anime protagonists (and antagonists) are well known for is never taking shortcuts to success. They work hard and put in the time. They train, they fight, they lose, they grow, but they never reach for the easy button. Even the most ridiculous and OP character Kirito doesn’t skimp on his training and improving himself in and out of game. And they don’t bash their heads against the wall either. They find ways to learn smarter, take advice and ask for help.

They don’t do it alone

The road to success is not the path of the lone wolf, most of the time. Many of these characters grow and improve due to friends, mentors and enemies. They take lessons wherever they come from and learn from mistakes as much as from success. Back to Ippo here, a young man who found great mentors in Chairman Kamigawa and Takamura. His fellow boxers helped him along the way, he even learned from many of his opponents, all of which inspired him more every day. And let us never forget his biggest fan, his mother, who did so much for him. I don’t have time to also include the others in his life that were a big part of his journey. So if you are looking to start your path, don’t forget those along your road that will guide you, push you, anger you. They are all inspiration for your success.

They set goals

EVERYONE OF THEM HAVE GOALS. To be the very best, the strongest, the champion. It doesn’t matter what it is, they have goals in mind. You don’t always need a plan, but you do need a goal. Look at your favourites, see their goals. Some are small, some are huge, but everything they do gets them towards their goals. No goal is insignificant and no path to that goal is wasted.

So to put it simply, BE. MORE. ANIME. Strive, make goals and work towards those goals. Work smarter, ask for help and share your road. All-Might said it perfectly. PLUUUUUUS ULTRA!


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